Our panelists will share their insights into the roles and responsibilities journalists have in overturning stereotypes, using appropriate language, as well as giving context and resources to this subject which is often misreported.
We will also discuss the increased risk of domestic violence during the global pandemic, how what journalists can do to continue reporting on this issue and show how it is one of control and not COVID.
Panellists are domestic abuse campaigners David Challen and Janey Starling, UN Women’s Acting Head of Communications and Advocacy Oisika Chakrabati and Shaista Aziz, Head of Media and Communications at Solace Women’s Aid (please see below for more information about the panellists). The event will be on Zoom, and will be moderated by EJN director Hannah Storm.
Find it Here; https://ethicaljournalismnetwork.org/ejn-panel-responsible-reporting-on-domestic-violence-nov-24