A community enthusiastically dedicated to enhancing Gender Equity

... in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations


A world where dignity, gender equity and justice are actualized for all people.

This year at IIWR-MB we’re doing something different 

We’re taking this next year to reflect inwardly and determine how best we as an organization of motivated and diverse individuals can continue the fight of gender equity in Manitoba and beyond. 

We’re pausing externally focused work starting on June 1, 2023 until approximately April 1, 2024. We’ll be focusing on strategic planning internally and are aiming to launch externally at the 2024 AGM. 

We hope to hear from you throughout the year, so stay tuned for some surveys and information gathering sessions. Feel free to reach out anytime to our board.


The Institute for International Women’s Rights is a not-for-profit organization founded to generate education, awareness, and action to promote gender equity and justice. Based in Winnipeg, IIWR-MB  is open to all individuals, as well as organizations, that have an interest in promoting gender equity.

By becoming a member, you will learn more about local rights-based events and organizations, have the opportunity to attend meetings at the United Nations in New York, network with other like-minded individuals, participate on our Advocacy and Event Planning committees, and be able to promote your human rights events by using the IIWR-MB platform.


Advocate on Issues

IIWR-MB is free to advocate on issues of concern with all levels of decision makers, without the restriction of being a registered charity.  Actions taken include public protest, petition campaigns, letter writing, speaking with media on issues, participation in round tables and contributing to briefs to politicians. You can add your voice by becoming an individual or organizational member and by participating in actions and events.

Attend UN Meetings

In July 2016, IIWR-MB received the designation of Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.  We are able to send a delegation of members to the Commission on the Status of Women every year in New York and present on issues surrounding gender equity in Manitoba and around the world.

You could become a member of our delegation!

Offer Education

IIWR-MB hosts special events every year to promote gender equality and human rights education. Events have focused around themes like International Women’s Day and the 16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence or emerge with concerns raised by our members.  Bi-annually we host a large Global to Local Gala event, which is also our main source of revenue.

We have a calendar of upcoming events.

Build Networks

IIWR-MB works in partnership and is committed to building a movement. Through collaborative efforts we diversify our voice and increase capacity and credibility.  An important tool is our Events Calendar, a platform provided for like minded organizations to share events.

Many Manitoban organizations are members of IIWR-MB and in turn IIWR-MB is a member of organizations and coalitions working on similar issues.

Report to Our Constituency

An authentic grass roots voice is a pillar and accountability is key to assure we are meeting that target. Every opportunity is taken for reporting and listening to members and the broader constituency.

IIWR-MB is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected from the membership at the Annual Meeting.

Our Annual Reports are an excellent resource of information on current issues and provide a summary of our work to make effective change.

Keep You Updated

Working on your behalf, IIWR-MB strives to keep you informed and provide opportunities for you to get involved.  (Become a volunteer.)

On this website are reports on our Advocacy Actions and our Educational Programs.  We host a Calendar of upcoming events.  Announcements and opinion/reflection pieces can be found on our News page.  SIGN UP for our quarterly newsletter.

We are active on social media platforms (see below).  Follow us there.



. . . the ripple effect of empowerment

Participating in decision making in the struggle for women’s advocacy, equality, freedom and empowerment is teaching me to encourage inclusive participation in an increasingly diverse Province of Manitoba.

Roxana Obasi, former IIWR-MB Board Member


. . . foray into international collaboration

I have never seen so many strong women come together to raise awareness on the issues they face in their home territories in regard to social protection systems.

Jenny Lay, IIWR-MB UN Delegate