Ursula LeGuin
"The exercise of rights thrives on the dogged pursuit of justice."
Partners in the work of Gender Equity
IIWR-Manitoba frequently accesses resources on the web and has put together a listing that might be useful to others wanting to know more about gender equity, what it means in reality and what others are doing to make a difference. All of these organizations have a human rights perspective for women, girls and gender-diverse people. As well, check out the Organization Members of IIWR-Manitoba – they are actively working to support gender equity.
If you have suggestions to add to our list, please contact us.

— Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) is a non-partisan Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) comprised of a network of diverse women with consultative status at the United Nations ECOSOC. Since 1960, VOW has tirelessly advocated for a world without war.

— Centre for Human Rights Research
The Centre for Human Rights Research was established in 2012 to bring together people and organizations – both within and outside the University of Manitoba – to enhance interdisciplinary and collaborative research capacity, create richer training opportunities for students, and facilitate the fusion of research-driven knowledge, public policy and intellectual debate on issues related to human rights and social justice. The Centre aims to facilitate research that is both academically rigorous and accessible to the public.

— Circles for Reconcilition
The aim of Circles For Reconciliation is to establish trusting, meaningful relationships between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous peoples as part of the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

— Council of Women of Winnipeg
The Council of Women of Winnipeg is a nonpartisan, non-sectarian network of organizations and individuals of diverse interests networking to pursue work of common interest where the stability of the family and the welfare of the community are concerned.

The purpose of ELIDIS is to provide access to relevant, diverse and credible research on the role of gender equality issues in achieving development goals. It aims to inform dialogue, learning and the sharing of good practice around areas such as gender mainstreaming, measuring change, legal and policy frameworks on gender and human rights, and successful initiatives from the field.

— Elizabeth Fry Society of Manitoba
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Manitoba (EFSM) Inc. was established as an independent non-profit organization in 1983 to address the unique needs of women in the provincial and federal justice system. In 2006, EFSM became an Aboriginal organization who provides services to all women who are involved in the criminal justice system.

— Ending Violence Across Manitoba
Ending Violence Across Manitoba Inc. (EVA Manitoba) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster the coordination and collaboration of programs, organizations and government that work together to end domestic and sexual violence in our province.

— Equality Effect
Equality Effect is an international network of human rights advocates working collaboratively to improve the lives of women and girls by using existing human rights law to achieve concrete change. IIWR-Manitoba contributed funds to support their work.

— Global Fund for Women
The Global Fund for Women works to advance the rights of women and girls worldwide by increasing the resources for and investing in women-led organizations and women’s collective leadership for change.

— Grands 'n' More Winnipeg
Grands ‘n’ More Winnipeg raises funds for the Stephen Lewis Foundation which supports grassroots African projects in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The organization seeks to raise awareness so that Canadians will know more about the desperate situation many people in sub-Saharan Africa face in the wake of the AIDS pandemic. Grands ‘n’ More also does advocacy work to encourage the enactment of laws and policies that will make life easier for the grandmothers and orphans.

— Human Rights Hub Winnipeg
The Human Rights Hub Winnipeg provides a central space to coordinate and promote the events and activities of the many individuals and groups in Winnipeg taking action on human rights issues! The Hub focuses on local activities, but has a global outlook on issues.

— Human Rights Resolution UN
Human Rights Resolution A/HRC/32/L.28/Rev 1. – Accelerating efforts to eliminate violence against women: preventing and responding to violence against women and girls, including indigenous women and girls.

— Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre
The Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Inc. was given birth in the fall of 1984 by committed community members who sought an Indigenous solution to supporting and rebuilding families. Since that time, Ma Mawi has worked to support families to better care for children by creating meaningful opportunities for community and family involvement. Ma Mawi believes that strengthening families is a worthy investment in the future.

— Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties
The Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties is a non-profit organization that promotes, supports and celebrates human rights and civil liberties. MARL defends, extends and creates awareness of rights and liberties within the Province of Manitoba.

— Manitobans for Human Rights
Manitobans for Human Rights is a non-profit, non-partisan Association that has two goals in mind. The first is to promote Human Rights learning through-out the Province of Manitoba, to many different sectors of society. The second goal is to work towards the goal of having Winnipeg designated as a Human Rights City, to the gradual development of a community based on equality and non-discrimination, a place that encourages people to more actively participate in the decisions that affect their daily lives guided by the human rights framework.

— Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak
The Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO), MKO is a non-profit, political advocacy organization that provides a collective voice on issues of inherent, Treaty, aboriginal and human rights for the citizens of the 30 sovereign First Nations they represent. The MKO First Nations are signatory to Treaties 4, 5, 6 and 10.

— Manitoba Moon Voices
Manitoba Moon Voices is a non-profit organization supporting leadership and advancement for/by Aboriginal women in the Province of Manitoba.

— Manitoba W.I.S.E.
Manitoba W.I.S.E. Inc. is a voluntary sector non-profit organization, which advances the equality of women and girls in Canada, through legal education and progressive law, based on the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms.

— MATCH International
MATCH International and the International Fund for Women work to support women’s projects in the global south. The International Fund for Women is Canada’s only global fund for women and you can donate online. It is a Registered Charity in Canada. The International Fund invests in innovative women’s organizations to end violence and discrimination against women.

— National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation was created to preserve the memory of Canada’s Residential School system and legacy. Not just for a few years, but forever.

— Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad
Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad is an integrated service organization for youth, focus on Shelter, Culture, Recreation, Education, Outreach and Support, EST 1993.

— The Nellie McClung Foundation
The Nellie McClung Foundation strives to educate the public about Nellie’s passion and achievements in the pursuit of women’s and human rights.

— Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba
Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba strives to empower women to improve the quality of life for themselves, their families and society. It is a volunteer organization consisting of a federation of organizations and individual members whose purpose is to improve social conditions by influencing political decision-making and public attitudes. This common purpose draws support from people from all political parties, and members from a variety of social, economic, religious and ethnic backgrounds.

— Soroptimist Club
Soroptimist Club is an international NGOs that focuses is support for women and girls.

— UN Women
UN Women is the UN Agency with the mandate to support gender equality and the empowerment of women

UNICEF is the world’s leading child-focused humanitarian organization with considerable work to support girls. This is the link to UNICEF Canada.

— Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) is an international non-governmental organization with National Sections covering every continent, an International Secretariat based in Geneva, and a New York office focused on the work of the United Nations (UN).

— Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) has intervened in over 90 cases that have advanced equality in Canada since 1985. LEAF education programs educate and empower both young women and men by teaching them about sexual rights, responsibilities, and the meaning of consent in law, so that they are less likely to become victims – or perpetrators.