Bringing local issues to the attention of the world
IIWR-MB in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

In July 2016, the IIWR-MB received Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, making it the first and only non-profit organization in Manitoba to have such a designation.
It is with this special status from the United Nations, that the IIWR-MB is able to send a delegation to the meetings of the Commission on the Status of Women, held in March in New York City. IIWR-MB is also able to offer an official parallel event, and have done so each year since being accredited.
Follow the links below to learn more about each year of IIWR-MB involvement in the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women.
The NGO CSW67 Forum will take place in a hybrid format for the first time ever from March 6-17, 2023! There will be both in-person and virtual events throughout the Forum. For more information click here.
In 2022, the Commission continued in a virtual platform with NGO events (Parallel Events) held virtually – IIWR-MB and the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation (MCIC) hosted our parallel event virtually, from Winnipeg. You can watch Indigenizing Climate Justice: Ancient Wisdom to Tackle Climate Change by clicking the link.
In preparation for CSW66, IIWR-MB hosted two webinars; the first, Intersectional Feminist: Building Radical Futures, was held on November 25, 2021 for the International Day Against Violence Against Women. The second, Truth before Reconciliation: Sisterhood, Healing, Inclusion and Love, was held on January 27, 2022.
In 2021, all of the NGO events (Parallel Events) were held virtually – IIWR-MB and the Manitoba MMIWG2S Coalition hosted their parallel event virtually, from Winnipeg. You can watch 231 MMIWG2S Calls for Justice: Implementing Actions and Moving Forward by clicking the link.
In the virtual format, any individual could register to participate and attend NGO events. There was no cost to register. It was an important global meeting, as it marked the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Conference, and led to the Gender Equality Forum.
In 2020, IIWR-MB was unable to send a delegation to the Commission on the Status of Women in New York, because of COVID-19. However, the proposed Panel was given virtually.
The CSW marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995).
In 2019, the largest IIWR-MB delegation of 30 members attended the Commission. IIWR-MB held a very successful parallel event “YOUTH SPEAK OUT: Canada’s Social Protection System.“
In 2018 IIWR-MB sent a large, diverse delegation to the CSW, and held a well attended parallel event, “Mass Incarceration of Rural and Indigenous Women in Canada.”
In 2017 IIWR-MB made its first appearance at the CSW with a delegation of 15 members, many of them young women. The first parallel event was also held, Risks for Canadian Indigenous Women Transitioning to an Urban Environment.